From a caipira analyst to an analyst caipira
Rustic man archetype, Anthropos, inferior function, propitious attitude, rustic man culture, ecological reserveAbstract
The text makes a reflection over the creative possibilities when a meeting analyst-rustic man takes place. It presents the archetype of the rustic man as an instinctive and natural expression of individuation. It relates the archetype of the fool and the child, while bears of a lower range culture function. It presents a parallel between the attitudes of the rustic man and those of the analyst in face of the mysteries of a psychic nature and proposes this partnership as adequate for the clinical work. It expands the symbols inherent to a rustic man culture, which encompass potent meaning, to be recuperated at the analysis ritual. It points out a rustic man experience on a total kind archetype and ends up by concluding that the rustic man culture maintains itself as an ecological reserve of our psyche.
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