Traditional storytelling and analytical psychology: health, holding and reflection
health, holding, Carl Gustav Jung, traditional tales, analytical psychologyAbstract
Based on the notions of holding, group Self and on four steps of reflection, we present the stages of work with traditional tales developed with a group of users of a CAPS II in a demedicalizing perspective. The group is composed of 27 individuals diagnosed with psychosis, 5 medical students, 3 psychology students and 1 physician. In this way, the group is considered as a totality and in its ritual character, presenting the following systematization: welcoming ritual, recitation of a traditional tale, reflections on the traditional tale, artistic experience, sharing of feelings and snack. The stages of our approach represent a series of activities that occur regularly and are distributed over time, creating a rhythm that favors autonomy. Among the dozens of tales recited, two are presented in this article: ”The Old Man and the Girl” and “The Fairy of the Mill Dam”, which address, respectively, the themes of the divine child and the motifs of curse and redemption.
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