Identities, oppressions and the unconscious
identity, oppression, unconscious, gender, analytical psychologyAbstract
Analytical Psychology emerged between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century alongside Psychoanalysis and other psychologies, in the historical, social and political context of Europe at that time. The hypothesis of the unconscious, shared with Psychoanalysis and other psychologies, has its idea of the unconscious redefined and expanded by C. G. Jung in an epistemological turn that expands the analytical thinking of the time. Some issues of contemporary human suffering, well exemplified by issues of gender and oppression based on gender identities, call for a new reflection on this conception of the unconscious to advance discussions on how to listen to what suffering people in our time have to tell us. This article aims to contribute to this discussion by examining the gender identities of LGBT people and masculinities.
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