Bets legalization and Gambling Disorder


  • Maria Paula Magalhães Tavares de Oliveira



Online gambling, Gambling Disorder, addiction, analytical psychology, collective shadow


This paper presents a reflection on gambling and Gambling Disorder (GD). The regulation of Bets, online sports betting, was recently approved in Brazil and the diagnosis of GD and its treatment are still little known. Different positions of encouragement, tolerance or prohibition towards gambling in different eras are addressed. The impact of technology on the improvement of gambling is discussed, as well as the role of the gambling industry. Considerations are made about the constellation of the Lady Luck archetype in its negative pole. The importance of integrating Dionysus and Apollo in the treatment of GD is emphasized, as well as the importance of paying attention to dreams and making room for the Self in this process of transformation. The role of the analyst is pointed out as a privileged one to denounce the collective shadow and favor the expansion of consciousness, helping to create strategies to identify risks, treat and prevent GD.

Author Biography

Maria Paula Magalhães Tavares de Oliveira

Psychologist. Analyst member of SBPA. Master and PhD from the Psychology Institute of the University of São Paulo. PRO-AMITI collaborator in the Gambling Disorder Outpatient Program at the Institute of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at USP. Orcid 0000-0002-7956-5244 Email:


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, M. P. M. T. (2024). Bets legalization and Gambling Disorder . JUNGUIANA , 42, 1–11.


