Reflections on the oedipal triangle


  • Iraci Galiás



Oedipus, triangle rectification, patricide, matricide, filicide, incest, castration, family


The author reflects on the Oedipal experience at both the personal and archetypal levels. She explores how this issue unfolds in two phases: not only during childhood, but also in adulthood. In examining the developmental roles of the child, father, and mother, she outlines their expected progression in a normal course. Additionally, she analyzes deviations from this normal development, detailing a condition she terms the triangle rectification syndrome. The author further expands the scope of the Oedipal experience, arguing that it transcends the family unit and influences other social institutions and the concept of the psychological family

Author Biography

Iraci Galiás

Psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, founding member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Analítica (SBrPA), member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP), founding member of the Comité Latinoamericano de Psicología Analítica (CLAPA), honorary member of the Sociedad Uruguaya de Psicología Analítica (SUPA), and honorary member of the Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Analítica (SCPA).


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How to Cite

Galiás, I. (2024). Reflections on the oedipal triangle. JUNGUIANA , 42, 1–13.


