Eros-animus and Psyche-anima: a coniunctio-rescue of the soul
Eros, Psyche, anima, animus, individuationAbstract
Eros and Psyche are mythological images that influence various artistic expressions and philosophical knowledge. Eros, the god of love, representative of primal energy, and Psyche, a young woman of immeasurable beauty, intertwine in the writings of Apuleius (2009). Eros- Psyche can also be seen as one of the symbolic manifestations of the male-female syzygy, or animus-anima, interdependent psychic dimensions that connect in a potentiality in the encounter with oneself, with others, and with the world. This article aims to relate the myth of Eros and Psyche to the psychological development of the human being. Through an alchemical symbolic amplification, aspects of the myth are unfolded into symbols that structurally express archetypal experiences of encountering the soul. Finally, the article raises the need to consider the birth of Eros and Psyche within us as necessary and complementary forces that can assist in the process of collective transformation amidst social, economic, and psychological crises.
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