Archetype and cryptomnesiac: a dialogue between Jung and Flournoy


  • Lucas Augusto de Carvalho UFSJ
  • Matheus Felipe Mendes de Sa e Silva UFSJ
  • Monica Giraldo Hortegas UERJ. UFJF. UFSJ.



Carl Gustav Jung, Theodore Flournoy, scientific psychology, archetype, cryptomnesia


Throughout history, there have been several encounters that have transformed the world. One was between Carl Jung and Théodore Flournoy, two thinkers who contributed to scientific psy-chology. Not everything is so clear about this friendship in the history of psychology. We seek to understand Flournoy’s influence on Jung’s re-search, especially on occultism, and how it was fundamental in guiding Jung’s search for the con-cept of the unconscious, based on the possible relationship between the concepts of cryptomne-sia and archetype. Using a bibliographic method-ology, we traced the initial relationship between occultism and the beginnings of psychology as a science, and how this had repercussions on the work of these two theorists. The Freudian legend persists, but more clues are given to show that Jung was a thinker who created his own psychol-ogy beyond the limits of psychoanalysis and in-dependently of it.

Author Biographies

Lucas Augusto de Carvalho, UFSJ

Graduando em Psicologia pela UFSJ.

Matheus Felipe Mendes de Sa e Silva, UFSJ

Graduando em Psicologia pela UFSJ.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, L. A. de, Silva, M. F. M. de S. e, & Hortegas, M. G. (2024). Archetype and cryptomnesiac: a dialogue between Jung and Flournoy. JUNGUIANA , 42, 1–14.


